Formerly International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research

Characterization and classification of guava growing soils of North-East Haryana according to frame work of land evaluation (FAO, 1993)

Pantnagar Journal of Research, Volume - 22, Issue - 1 ( January-April 2024)

Published: 2024-04-30

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In the present study, undertaken in 2021-23 at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, fifteen guava orchards were selected based on variation in soils properties and guava crop dominance from five districts viz. Ambala, Yamunanagar, Kurukahetra, Karnal and Kaithal from North-East region of Haryana. Representative pedons were excavated and morphological features were examined systematically in situ in the field, and horizon wise samples were collected and analyzed in the laboratory for physico-chemical properties. Results indicated that soils of the study area were placed under three orders i.e., Inceptisols, Entisols, and Alfisols and taxonomically classified as coarse loamy, calcareous, Typic Ustorthents/Ustochrepts for recent alluvial plains, Typic Haplustepts, and Typic Natroustlf for old alluvial plains. Also, the results differentiated the soils into two land capability classes (II and III), three land suitability classes (S1, S2, and S3), and three land irrigability classes (S1, S2, and S3) due to soils, pedogenic processes, and topographic limitations. Thus, the results indicated that the variation in geomorphic units affects soil properties. The information generated in the study would be useful for effective management of the guava-growing soils in the study area, and further mapping of the suitable areas may pave the way for effective implementation of policy decisions for the development of a particular area for a specific purpose.

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