G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology

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Dr. Ajeet Singh Nain
Director Experiment Station
G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar – 263145, Uttarakhand, India

Phone:+91-5944-233363 (O), 233461 (R) Fax: +91-5944-233448 E-mail: desgbpuat@gmail.com

Joint Director Research

  1. Dr. P.K. Singh
    - IC, Deparment of Irrigation & Drainage Engineering, College of Technology
    E-mail: singhpk67@gmail.com
  2. Dr. Manjul Kandpal
    - Adm., Deparment of Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
    E-mail: manjulkandpal@yahoo.com
  3. Dr. M.S. Negi
    - IPM (CEO),Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture
    E-mail: mahendrasingh_2005@rediffmail.com
  4. Dr. Anil Kumar
    - SPR, Department of Livestock Production Management, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences
    E-mail: yaduanil@gmail.com
  5. Dr. S.B. Bhardwaj
    - Associate Director Admin, Directorate of Research
    E-mail: desgbpuatpmc@gmail.com
  6. Dr. Ajay Srivastava
    - Asstt. Director Research, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture
    E-mail: drajaysrivastava@gmail.com

Directorate of Research

The Genesis

    The Directorate of Experiment Station was established with the inception of the University in the year 1960 and has the following mandate:
  1. Coordination of all research activities, fundamental and applied in different disciplines of science and technology.
  2. Development, evaluation, processing, monitoring and budgeting of research projects and programmes in the University.
  3. Administration, management and monitoring of research centres located at the main campus and outside in four agro-climatic zones covering all districts of Uttarakhand.
  4. Production of nucleus, breeder, foundation and certified seeds of different crop plants and planting material of crops and plants viz., cereals, pulses, oil seeds, sugarcane, forage crops, green manure crops, vegetables, sub-tropical and temperate fruit crops, ornamental plants, medicinal and aromatic plants, agro-forestry plants, mushroom and fisheries.
  5. Production and monitoring of bio-control agents, bio-fertilizers and vermi-compost.
  6. Monitoring the production of livestock and poultry and other research aspects related to production and health of animals and poultry. Development of suitable implements for agriculture in both hills and plains.
  7. Publication of ‘International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research’ as well as research reports, manuals and highlights etc., and Processing of research papers for publication in national/international journals.

Research Organization and Administration

The research organization of the University is governed by a ‘Research Advisory Committee’ (RAC). The Vice-Chancellor is the Chairman and Director, Experiment Station is the Member Secretary of the committee. The Deans of different colleges, Directors of various directorates in the University, Programme Coordinators and Comptroller are the members. Besides, Directors of Directorate of Agriculture, Horticulture and Fisheries of Government of Uttarakhand as well as Heads of State departments like soil conservation, sericulture, animal husbandry, forestry, marketing, medicinal and aromatic plants are also the members. Some progressive farmers also represent the RAC as member. The RAC as facilitators identify and orient research to address problems of farming community.

The Directorate of Experiment Station has a set-up which distinctly looks after technical, financial and administrative management as well as the management of on-campus and off-campus research centres. The Director Experiment Station is the head of the set-up and is assisted by Joint Directors from disciplines of Agriculture, Veterinary and Engineering as well as by Joint Director Research for Administration and Monitoring. The on- and off- campus research stations have Joint Directors/ Associate Directors/ Officer-in-charges for planning and execution of mandate of these centres and a Joint Director at Head quarters monitors these activities. The Comptroller in association with a Deputy Comptroller and other accounts officials takes care of financial management of the directorate.