Technologies Developed by University

Algae: A Health Promoting Supplement
- The microalgae Desmodesmus subspicatus can be cultured in heterotrophic and autotrophic cultivation mode in axenic condition.
- It can be cultured in stainless steel fermentor. The process can be scaled up at industrial scale production
- The biomass productivity is 5 times higher than autotrophic cultivation mode.

Value Added Products from Persimmon a very Astringent Fruit Grown in Hilly Area of Uttarakhand
- Being an astringent fruit persimmon is not very popular as table fruit and so may be utilized in the processing Industry as its value added products have tremendous market potential on account of its numerous health and medicinal benefits.

Management of Litchi Leaf Curl Mite
- Pruning will lead to better management of litchi mite without any hazard.
- Burning further will help in complete eradication of pest.
- Pruning of affected twigs in June reduced the initial inoculums.
- No residue on fruits as spraying is recommended at vegetative stage only, and not at flowering and fruiting stage.
- Litchi growers benefited by higher yield and getting more income.
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Coordination of all research activities, fundamental and applied in different disciplines of science and technology.
Administration, management and monitoring of research centres located at the main campus and outside in four agro-climatic zones covering all districts of Uttarakhand.