Screening of different combinations of Trichoderma harzanium and Pseudomonas fluorescens for growth promotion activity in rice plants under glass house conditions
Pantnagar Journal of Research, Volume - 21, Issue - 2 ( May-August 2023)Published: 2023-10-03
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Oryza sativa (Rice) is the member of family Poaceae which comprises 25 wild species of rice. The expected increase in population is about 77 million people per year and in coming 20 years the approximate demand of rice will increase about 2.5% per year. In present investigation the fungal and bacterial bio control agents i.e., Trichoderma harzanium and Pseudomonas fluorescens alone and in combination were tested for growth promotion activity in rice plants under glass house condition. The result of the study reveals that the effect of seed treatment, soil treatment and foliar sprays of biocontrol agents consortia PBAT3, followed by consortium of TH17+Pf173, on seed germination percentage, root-shoot length, dry weight and fresh weight of rice plant was found very effective as comparison to control
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