Formerly International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research

Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield, and quality traits in garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) under sub-tropical conditions of Garhwal hills

Pantnagar Journal of Research, Volume - 21, Issue - 3 ( September-December 2023)

Published: 2023-12-31

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The present study was conducted to find out the effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and quality parameters in garden pea (Var. Azad Pea-3) during winter season (2020-21). The treatments were a sole or combination of organic fertilizers (Farmyard manure, vermicompost), biofertilizer (Rhizobium) and inorganic fertilizers (Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). With respect to plant growth, yield, and quality parameters, T4 (100% NPK + seed treatment with Rhizobium) recorded the best result in terms of days taken to first emergence of seed, 50% emergence of seeds, first flower emergence, first pod emergence, number of pods per plant, pod weight (g), pod length (cm), pod width (mm), yield per plot (kg), yield per hectare (t), total soluble solids (̊Brix) and dry matter content (%) followed by T5 (75% NPK + FYM). The present investigation indicated that the application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizers along with seed treatment using Rhizobium before sowing was found to be the most effective and promising in enhancing the growth, yield and quality related characters in Azad Pea-3 (AP-3) variety of garden pea under sub-tropical conditions of the Garhwal hills.

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