G. B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology

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Subbanna, A.R.N.S., Khan, M.S., Stanley, J. and Pattanayak, A.(2019).Bacillus licheniformis strain UKCH17 from northwestern Indian Himalayas: Characterization of chitinolytic enzyme and determination of its antifungal potential.Indian Journal of Experimental Biology , 57(07):497-506.

Bhatt M., Singh A.P., Singh V., Kala D.C. and Kumar V. (2019).Long-term effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil physico-chemical properties of a silty clay loam soil under rice-wheat cropping system in Tarai region of Uttarakhand.Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , 8(1):2113-2118.

Bhatt S.C., Rawat D. and Srivastava P.C. (2019).Effect of Zn application on root growth parameters and shoot dry matter content of some cowpea genotypes.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences , 8(04):1338-1349.

Esakkimuthu M. and Kameswari V.L.V.(2019).Constraints experienced by beekeepers in Tamil Nadu.Indian Journal of Extension Education , 55(1):176-178.

Khadda B.S., Singh Brijesh, Singh D.V., Singh S.K. and Singh C.B. (2019).Factors affecting relative growth rate of Pantja kids under field conditions.Indian Journal of Small Ruminants (The) , 25(1):37-40.

Kothari D. and Kameswari V.L.V.(2019).Performance assessment of the self-help groups in Udham Singh Nagar district of Uttarakhand.International Journal of Farm Sciences , 9(1):68-73.

Kumar A., Basal G. and Singh V.K. (2019).Characterization of mechanical strength of epoxy hybrid composite reinforced with chicken feather fiber and residue powder extracted from rohu fish scale.International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology , 8(04):498-504.

Singh V. and Kameswari V.L.V. (2019).Relationship between characteristics of farmers and impact of ICT enabled web portal (Krishinet).Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology , 32(1):1-8.

Verma H. and Singh S.P. (2019).Weeds in direct seeded rice and their sustainable management through non-chemical approach: A review.International Journal of Chemical Studies , 7(2):2099-2105.

Ahmad M.A., Agnihotri M., Khan M.S., Dubey A., Tyagi B., Kumar R. and Prakash N. (2019).Biochemical basis of resistance in chickpea varieties against Callosobruchus chinensis Linn. (Coleoptera: Bruchidae).Legume Research - An International Journal , 42(2):282-286.

Bhatt S., Tewari G., Pande C., Prakash O. and Tripathi S. (2019).Aroma profile and antioxidant potential of (Origanum vulgare L.) : Impact of drying.Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants , 22(1):214-230.

Chaudhary P. and Sharma A. (2019).Response of nanogypsum on the performance of plant growth promotory bacteria recovered from nanocompound infested agriculture field.Environment and Ecology , 37(1B):363-372.

Joshi D., Chandra R., Suyal D.C. Kumar S. and Goel R.(2019).Impacts of bioinoculants Pseudomonas jesenii MP1 and Rhodococcus qingshengii S10107 on Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) yield and soil nitrogen status.Pedosphere , 29(3):388-399.

Joshi S., Srivastava R.M., Ahmad A.H. and Verma M.K. (2019).Dissipation of imidacloprid residues in okra fruits in tarai region of Uttarakhand.Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies , 7(1):1503-1506.

Joshi V., Kumar S. and Rawat S.(2019).Efficacy of botanicals on mortality of second stage juveniles and egg hatching of (Meloidogyne javanica L.): An eco-friendly management approach.Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , 8(3):710-714.

Kumar P. and Singh A.K.(2019).Effect of soil and foliar application of macro and micronutrients on flowering, fruit set and yield of mango cv. Dashehari. .Agricultural Science Digest , 39(1):63-66.

Modi R.U., Singh J., Bhattacharya T.K. and Singh T.P. (2019).Methyl ester of cottonseed oil blended with ethanol as a renewable fuel on a multi-cylinder CI engine.Agricultural Engineering Today , 43(1):20-26.

Nazir I. and Chauhan R.S. (2019).Qualitative phytochemical analysis of Allium sativum (Garlic) and Curcuma longa (Turmeric).Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies , 7(1):545-547.

Pal M.S. and Joshi G. (2019).Effect of integrated nutrient management on yield, quality and sensory evaluation of baby corn (Zea mays L.).Journal of Crop and Weed , 14(3):123-129.

Pal M.S. and Singh S.P. (2019).Effect of organic and inorganic fertilization on productivity and qaulity of Indian Mustard (Brassica juncea) in Indo-Gangetic plains of Uttar Pradesh, India.International Journal of Agriculture Sciences , 11(06):8066-8069.

Pande K.K. and Dimri D.C. (2019).Economics of peach (Prunus persica L.) production under different nitrogen regimes through neem coated urea and calcium sprays.Journal of Krishi Vigyan , 7(2):73-77.

Pandey A. and Mishra R. (2019).Impact of individual’s perception of sexual relationships on their overall life satisfaction, self-esteem, family environment, gender orientation and emotional intelligence.. International Journal of Chemical Studies , 7(2):1744-1748.

Sarma R.S. Shankhdhar D. and Shankhdhar S.C. (2019).Beneficial effects of silicon fertilizers on disease and insect-pest management in rice genotypes (Oryza sativa. L).Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry , 8(3):358-362.

Sethi I.B., Singh R., Singh V.K., Chaturvedi S., Singh A.P., Prabhakar D. and Singh J.P. (2019).Intensification and establishment techniques of rice-wheat system and influence on energy dynamics under irrigated condition.International Journal of Chemical Studies , 7(1):56-59.

Sharma M. (2019).Effect of insulin on glucose and cholesterol in crossbred cattle.Veterinary Research International , 7(01):26-32.