Formerly International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research

Review on UWB microstrip Filtennas

Reeta Verma and R.P.S.Gangwar
Pantnagar Journal of Research, Volume - 18, Issue - 1 ( January-April, 2020)

Published: 2020-04-30

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Ultra wide band (UWB) microstrip filtennas exhibiting filtering characteristics of antenna along with overall size reduction of radio frequency (RF) front end wireless communication system have been proposed because of huge bandwidth. Size compactness of filtennas with reasonable characteristics is necessary in modern wireless communication system. Miniaturization is achieved by embedding different components in a single module or develop a system with having multitasking capability. Filtenna or filtering antenna is such a kind of approach in which there exists both simultaneous radiation and filtering characteristics in desired band. Different techniques like filter synthesis design approach, co-design method, insert filter in feedline of antenna etc. are used by researcher to integrate antenna and filter. This paper reviews the state of art for UWB filtennas with detailed discussion about UWB antennas and filters along with integration techniques to achieve Filtenna module.

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